On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Viktor Griph wrote:

On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Dominik Vogt wrote:

CVSROOT:        /home/cvs/fvwm
Module name:    fvwm
Changes by:     griph   07/01/09 16:18:10

Modified files:
        fvwm           : menus.c
        .              : ChangeLog

Log message:
* don't warp on popdown if triggered by motion

Can you describe the problem please?

I introduced the problem with the menu bindings, when allowing an action by mouse to do MoveCursorLeft/MoveCursorRight, and in the same time warp the pointer back. That was the intended change. However it also changed it so that when you moved from a popup back to it's parent it would warp back to the parent item. That was what I fixed by requiring it to be a button release for mouse events to do a warp.

I've noticed a related issue which needs some decision on how to handle. This is mouse clicks inside a menu, not on an item. Before the menubindings they used to close the menu. Now they warp to the closest item, which is not good.

I see a few possibilities to resolve this:

* Possible add more contexts recognized by menu bindings.


* Make it so that clicks outside of items are hardwired to MenuClose.

I favor the first option, but it requires more thought on what context specifiers to use with menus. The second option would solve the issue for now, and leave open for additional menu contexts later.


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