Thomas Adam <> writes:

> Hello all,
> I'd like to propose that we start building 2.6.0 release candidate tarballs.
> As far as I know, the only major part left of FVWM was a fvwm-menu-desktop
> replacement which Dan Espen (and tentatively myself) worked on over
> Christmas.
> Can someone please give me an update as to the status of this -- i.e.,
> anyone actually using it in earnest?  I'm still unsure as to how complete it
> is on systems I don't have.
> Looking at docs/todo-2.6, under "A. Release stopping bugs", I have no
> intention of looking at any of those for 2.6.0.  F.3 is the one which
> interests me more.
> We really need to start being more pragmatic about making 2.6.0 a reality;
> my git tree [1] has a bunch of patches which I've written, but can't merge
> into FVWM because we're in a feature freeze, so the sooner this goes out
> the door, the better.  Obviously though we cannot be too complacement, but I
> really don't think there's anything seriously stopping us releasing FVWM CVS
> at this point as potential 2.6.0 release candidates.  Someone just has to
> have the balls to do it.
> That'd be me.  :)
> If there's nothing major blocking fvwm-menu-desktop, I would like to suggest
> I go ahead and do this.

For fvwm-menu-desktop is see 2 issues:

1. The Fvwm built in menu should invoke fvwm-menu-desktop.
I don't know if we can make this conditional on being on Linux,
but I don't think it would be a major problem if it was there all the
time.  This should be addressed before 2.6.

2. We don't have a working option that would use the application
specific mini-icons for each menu item.  I don't see this as important,
just nice to have.  This should not interfere with releasing 2.6.

Other than that, I see no reason not to release 2.6.

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