On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 11:23:49AM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Hello all,
> So, here's a list of modules I wish to see deprecated, with reasons why:
> * FvwmCommand
> * FvwmConsole
> * FvwmConsoleC.pl
> These three are on a list to be removed, but the functionality to replace
> them (notably getting FVWM to listen on a $DISPLAY socket, for instance)
> just isn't there yet.  So whilst I don't plan on deprecating them just yet,
> I'm aware I'll need to at some point.

FvwmConsole is the one of the list that I use from time to time.  I
like that it uses my terminal of choice and unlike FvwmTalk (which I
suppose I can fall back on) I can cut and paste from the history with
multiple lines.  I'm curious from a user perspective if the
interaction for the planned replacement will be the same?  That is run
the terminal of my choice and execute Fvwm commands.  Because that's
what I use it for.

David Fries <da...@fries.net>    PGP pub CB1EE8F0

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