Thomas Adam <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I know this is slightly off-topic, but for various reasons I'm having to use
> Emacs, and was wondering what others on this list do to make their lives 
> easier
> with things like:
> * C development;
> * GDB;
> * Make/compilation

It's important to do make while inside Emacs, there are
benefits to working that way.

Bind some keys to invoke the compiler and find errors, I do:

(define-key global-map [(f1)] 'compile)
(define-key global-map [(f2)] 'next-error)
(define-key global-map [(S-f2)] 'previous-error)

> Anything fvwm-specific as well would be welcomed.

In the fvwm source directory I keep a file for Emacs that automatically
enforces fvwm project rules.

The name of the file is .dir-locals.el and it's contents:

((nil . ((indent-tabs-mode . t)
              (fill-column . 80)))
 (c-mode . ((c-basic-offset . 8)
            (c-indent-level . 8)
            (indent-tabs-mode . t))))

Emacs reads .dir-locals.el and applies it's rules in all

Dan Espen

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