as shown in the screen shot (22 kB, fvwm 2.5.4) below...

...triangles are painted either in "Background" or "HilightBack"
colors, not in "Foreground" or "ActiveFore".  following is what
produced the menu style...

  MenuStyle  *  TrianglesSolid
  MenuStyle  *  Foreground white, Background red4, Greyed rgb:f0/0/0
  MenuStyle  *  ActiveFore black, HilightBack grey75
  MenuStyle  *  MenuFace HGradient 512 5 rgb:60/0/0 20 rgb:80/0/0 40 rgb:a0/0/0 
20 rgb:80/0/0 10 rgb:60/0/0 10 black
  MenuStyle  *  Hilight3DThickness -2

...i had to use gradient otherwise red (triangle) on red
(background) is rather hard to see.

could it be possible either to paint the triangles w/ the
"Foreground" & "ActiveFore" colors as appropriate, or to provide
means to specify color(s) for triangle?

otherwise, indication of a sub menu is easily missed.  below is the
screen shot (52 kB, fvwm 2.4.4) showing triangles painted in
foreground colors...

...and from configuration file... style is similar to above...

  MenuStyle  *  Foreground white, Background red4
  MenuStyle  *  ActiveFore black, HilightBack white, Greyed red
  MenuStyle  *  TrianglesSolid, Hilight3DThick

  - parv


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