On 01 Dec 2002 01:04:09 +0100, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 12:49:35PM -0800, Nadim Shaikli wrote:
> > --- Ethan Blanton wrote:
> > > Nadim Shaikli spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > > > Ideally it would be wonderful to simply run fvwm and this code
> > > > under a debugger and single step around for a better feel for
> > > > what is causing it to go into the weeds.
> > > 
> > > How about running your debugger/fvwm in a screen session?  You can
> > > then connect to that screen session once X is started up and work
> > > from there, and if it bombs out you can restart X and connect to
> > > the crashed session for some post-mortem analysis.
> > 
> > **AND**
> > 
> > --- Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > > If you don't want your windows to go down, just verify that X does
> > > not go down. This may be achieved if you start fvwm in the background
> > > using "&" and xterm in the foreground in ~/.xinitrc, so that you may
> > > recompile and launch another fvwm from this (or another) xterm.
> > 
> > With both suggestions in-hand, I tried to run a debugger on fvwm while
> > running it (I've never done such a thing) and needless to say it was
> > a major pain with lots of freezing and rebooting, etc.  In short, I
> > didn't get anywhere.
> > 
> > I do have a possible idea of what is happening.  Mikhael/Olivier, this
> > might make sense to you guys more than others :-) so let me know if you
> > want further detail off the list.  I added a continuous assignment to a
> > Form-B glyph right above the first '#if 0' in the FBidiJoin.c file (say
> > to 0xFED3) and that failed.  Which leads me to believe that unicode
> > conversion within fvwm is failing (this would also explain why the same
> > code doesn't fail outside fvwm).  Does this make sense or ring any
> > bells ?  In other words, a glyph value of 0x0641 is fine where as 0xFED3
> > seems to trigger memory stomping - the difference there is how UTF-8 is
> > represnted and converted (are all UTF-8's within fvwm represented as
> > 4-bytes since that could be the max size ? 
> No and it should not. UTF-8 is not UCS-4. Do I miss somthing?
> > The difference in the example
> > noted above it 2-bytes vs. 3-bytes).  Am I barking up the wrong tree :-) ?
> >
> Ok, I've found the problem. FBidiConvert assume that the "in" string
> and the "out" string have the same length. This is the case until you
> joint. With joint what may happen is:
>   UTF-8 src string have length 34 (as char *)
>   --> convert into UCS-4, the string has length 20 (as char32 *)
>   --> apply bidi algo, the string has length 20 (as char32 *)
>   --> apply joint algo, the string has length 20 (as char32 *)
>   --> convert back to UTF-8, the string has length 40 (as char *)
>     ----> core dump
> the length of the returned string (visual_str) should be computed
> after the joint algo is performed. BTW, fribidi should know the length
> of the result of fribidi_unicode_to_charset before you call it, this
> is a very very strange way to implement a converter!!

I think it should only know the length of the input (not sure why this is
needed, maybe to double check or to limit to the substring), not the
length of the output, which it returns.

> So we need the function:
>   USC4UTF8Length(Char32 *str): return the length of an UCS-4 string
>                                considered as an UTF-8 string
> and also the following function will be useful (to allocate
> logical_unicode_str at exact size):
>   UTF8USC4Length(unsigned char *str): return the length of an utf-8 string
>                                       considered as an USC-4 string
> a simple workaround is to replace  
>       visual_str = (char *)safemalloc((str_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
> by
>       visual_str = (char *)safemalloc((4*str_len + 1) * sizeof(char));
> I do not have the time to write down the fix in the next 5 days (at
> least two others thing todo before: IconMan and LocalePath).
> Mikhael, Nadim ?

Good work at finding the problem. I will try to enable the new code by
allocating more space, today or tomorrow. But I think I already tried to
allocate 3*str_len and it still core dumped... I am sure though your
analyze is correct.

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