Hi Dominik, :)

After revision 1.61 of libs/Parse.c, DoPeekToken() is behaving very
oddly. Best illustrated with an example:

If I pass a string, say, "2.5.13" to DoPeekToken() with delimiters ".",
I get back the token "2" (correct) but the pointer to the rest of the
string (the actual return value) is ".13" which is incorrect. (The '5'
character got truncated in CopyToken().)

+   t = SkipSpaces(src, spaces, snum);
+   if (*t != 0 && dnum && strchr(delims, *t) != NULL)
+   {
+       src = t + 1;
+   }

I think the strchr() needs to be replaced with a function that
checks for delims at the _start_ of t (not just anywhere in t).
But I'm not really sure what your intention was, hence why I'll
leave it to you to fix.

I noticed this problem because the following syntax no longer works:

Test (Version >= 2.5.11) Echo yup


SCoTT. :)
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