Ethan Blanton a écrit :
Patrick Börjesson spake unto us the following wisdom:

If there is a bug or misfeature which should be fixed, I would like to
know so that I can make sure it is addressed.

Ahh, this is actually a common problem for us (this _class_ of problem
is common for us, I should say), in that we are using a perfectly
appropriate Gtk+ function which is, behind the scenes, doing something
one would not expect.  I am not sure what an appropriate fix for this

How you can say that you use a "perfectly appropriate Gtk+ function"?

The function is gtk_window_present() and the gtk+ doc say:

"This function should be used when the user tries to open a window
that's already open. Say for example the preferences dialog is currently
open, and the user chooses Preferences from the menu a second time; use
gtk_window_present() to move the already-open dialog where the user can
see it."

But you use it at startup. I do not understand why you want to do
something special when gaim starts but if you really want to do
something special gtk_window_set_urgency_hint seems to me more
appropriate (the gtk+ doc says: "Windows may set a hint asking the
desktop environment to draw the users attention to the window").

EWMH spec says that this property (as a client msg) is for a pager. Thus
if gtk_window_present() uses this property (and one may understand that
it uses it in the *view of the doc*), you may understand that you go
beyond what an application is espected to do at startup: is gaim a

Finally there is no source indication for a _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP (and
_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT) client msg as the source should be a Pager!
Thus, fvwm can do nothing with such msg.

Regards, Olivier

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