On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 11:05:36PM +0100, seventh guardian wrote:
> It all starts with this snip from docs/TODO:
> - Implement (or at least investigate) dynamic loading of functions
>    on systems that support it?
> (There is more on that on that file. These are just the first two lines)
> Recently I began testing GNU's Libtool on a project of mine,
> particulary using Ltdl. Ltdl is a dynamic library loading framework.
> It allows dynamic loading of modules for an application, or or as a
> last resort for systems not supporting it, either preloading (linking
> just before execution) or static linking (during the compilation
> time). It's very portable and flexible, as you can see from here:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual.html#Tested-platforms
> Anyway, it would be great to have the facility to load new styles or
> functions from a library (a ltdl module). Minimalistic systems would
> just load (or compile, depending on the arch) the very basic functions
> and styles, while more "feature-rich" systems would load all of them.
> The unoficial "feature patchsets" would be replaced by style modules
> (it has nothing to do with the current fvwm modules).. And so on. The
> text on docs/TODO explains the whole idea.
> For those interested in this, you can find libtool's manual here:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual.html
> For now I'm studying the fvwm code to see where this fits. I'm
> thinking of trying it out (in a my local "private branch", as this is
> definitely not a 2.5 feature).  If I get to do anything I'll inform
> you.

Paul added this TODO item ages ago.  Specifically he suggested to
make libfvwm a shared library.  I am well aware of Libtool's
capabilities, but never was very fond of the idea to use it.  No
matter how portable it is, we'd ask for a lot of problems with
library versioning (modules finding a wrong version of the lib).

The idea to allow dynamic loading of features is nice.  But frankly
I think the fvwm core is nowhere near as modular to allow features
being taken out of it.  (And even this is an euphemism for the
state of the code).


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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