On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 03:17:13PM +0530, Kingsly John wrote:
> I have a transparent fvwmbutton which uses this colorset and font spec.
> Colorset 9 fg grey70, fgAlpha 90, Transparent, RootTransparent buffer,
> IconAlpha 90, fgsh black
> Font "Shadow=1 1 SE:xft:Luxi Sans:Bold:pixelsize=13"
> When I set the wallpaper using fvwm-root -r the shadow comes out as red in
> color!
> Restarting fvwm sets the color right.

Can you please provide a minimal config file that demonstrates the

> (Without the "fgsh black" part it stays red even after the restart.)
> You can see the difference here..
> http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7140/fvwmfontcp3.png
> This doesn't seem to happen with all wallpapers, It happens with this
> particular one.
> http://img426.imageshack.us/img426/706/altabadia2lf1.png (around 1.3MB)
> I'm using fvwm-2.5.16


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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