On Friday, December 17th, 2021 at 1:38 AM, Dominik Vogt <dominik.v...@gmx.de> 

> Should be fixed now.
> However, I find it really annoying that screens now have to be
> specified by name.

Yes, now it works. So you replaced $[w.screen] with ... something as I see
in git diff. Is it [c]urrent or is it aware if it should start on exact

> style xterm startsonscreen DVI-I-1
> is completely non-portable.

Indeed it is. I can imagine after-pandemic situation where I go with
notebook someware and connect it to monitor "DP-2" and this does not
work because "DP-2" is not "DVI-I-1" nor HDMI1 ...

I can imagine some translation table, where all non-primary monitors
may be referred as left, top, right or bottom. StartsOnScreen p+1
for "right of primary" or p-1 for left and so on should be portable
in a sense "ok FVWM, when there is setup where you have someting
right of primary, do this with that window".


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