"Theodore D. Sternberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm using fvwm 2.4.20 and when I hold down a key (whether in an xterm or
> an rxvt) it doesn't repeat.

in the xterm or rxvt type:

xset r on

If that works, put it in your .xinitrc.

> All was well until I upgraded from SuSE-10.2 to SuSE-11.0 ("xorg
> -version" says "7.2.0" on SuSE-10.2 and "" on SuSE-11.0, oddly
> enough).  The Linux kernel versions are respectively and
> If I run the Gnome desktop, my keys repeat just fine.
> A secondary problem: if I tell inittab to bring the system up in
> runlevel 5, then none of my xterms (we're back to fvwm2 now) will take
> the focus (or more precisely, they do take focus but the cursor
> remains as an outlined rectangle (rather than a solid one) and I can't
> type anything into that xterm.  I don't have this problem, though, if
> the system comes up in runlevel 3, which I don't mind so much.

No idea.  Maybe an X resource?

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