christopher floess <> writes:

> Okay, I figured I'd get this, so here goes. I'll start by saying that
> what I was getting at is that in *all of the time that I've used
> fvwm*, gedit has followed me from workspace to workspace(viewport to
> viewport). Whether it's iconified or not, it's there. It's especially
> troublesome when it's not iconified, and I have a bunch of xterms open
> on one workspace(viewport), and then some code that I'd like to
> compare to in gedit in another workspace(viewport). Switching back and
> forth between gedit and the xterms is difficult if gedit follows me
> around all the time.
> So, to address some of the issues, which I didn't clarify phrase properly:
> "Are you therefore saying that currently it does just that?  i.e., puts
> itself in a layer above all others?"
> --- it just follows me from workspace to workspace, i.e one "large
> virtual desktop", in which each "viewport" has the gedit window in it

Looks like you didn't understand my previous reply.

I'll try again.

First, this has nothing to do with layers.
Gedit is making itself "sticky".
This is new behavior, there are threads about this online with other
window managers.

Here's how I fixed it.

I have a menu where I keep window operations like move, iconify, resize,
etc.  It also has an entry to toggle stickyness.  If you don't have a menu
like that I suggest you create one.

Here's an excerpt from the menu:

DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops "--Window Operations--" Title
+  "%mini.excl.xpm%&Restart Fvwm" Restart fvwm2
+  "" Nop
+  "%mini.destroy.xpm%&Destroy" Destroy
+  "%mini.delete.xpm%D&elete" Delete
+  "%mini.move.xpm%&Move" Function Move-or-Raise
+  "%mini.resize.xpm%Re&size" Function Resize-or-Raise
+  "%mini.raise.xpm%R&aise" Raise
+  "%mini.lower.xpm%&Lower" Lower
+  "%mini.iconify.xpm%(De)&Iconify" Iconify
+  "%mini.stick.xpm%(Un)Stic&k" Stick
+  "%mini.maximize.xpm%(Un)Maximi&ze" Maximize

After you've created or modified your menu, restart fvwm and
invoke the menu.  When you pick the option "(Un)Stick"
the window you are over will have it's stickyness toggled.

If you are on the root window, the pointer will change to an "+"
until you click on the window you want to toggle stickyness

Use this to toggle the stickyness of gedit.

Gedit will save that state and won't be sticky anymore.
Even when you restart it.

Hope this helps.

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