
When I try to delete a file on my desktop (run by Nautilus), a transient
window opens ("Permanently delete?")

The window is below all other windows, and can't be raised. (I guess
because it is tied to the root-window.)

This behaviour makes sense when I delete something in a normal Nautilus
window, because the transient window is then tied to a normal window,
which can be raised/lowered.

But when the transient is tied to the Desktop, it is quite annoying,
because I have to move the other windows to - essentially - dig down to
the "Really delete?" transient window below.

Is it possible to configure FVWM to ignore the transient property when
the parent window is the Desktop?

(I have tried looking in the man-page, at all the stuff concerning
transients, but it looks like it mostly is about what should happen with
the parent if you lower/raise a transient window.)

Or should I patch Nautilus instead, to not make the window transient, if
it is going to be tied to the Desktop?

I am using Nautilus 2.28.0 and FVWM 2.5.28 on a Debian sid amd64 machine.

  Best regards,


 "Fra én som sover for lidt,                                  Adam Sjøgren
  som synes verden er stor"                              a...@koldfront.dk

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