On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 06:04:07PM +0000, - Tethys wrote:
> Is it possible to have different behaviours for handing urgency hints
> depending on the application that set the hint? For example, I might want
> my instant messanger to do one thing, and my web browser to do something
> different. Specifically, firefox is raising itself to the top of the
> window stack every so often, which is *really* annoying. I'm assuming

FF isn't going to be setting the UrgencyHint here -- more likely you want

DestroyFunc EWMHActivateWindowFunc

> (although I haven't verified it) that this is because of an urgency
> hint. Currently, I can configure UrgencyFunc to do what I want when the
> hint is set, but it seems to be on a global level. Ideally, I'd want to
> be able to do:
>       Style Pidgin UrgencyFunc IMUrgencyFunc
>       Style Xchat UrgencyFunc IMUrgencyFunc
>       Style Firefox UrgencyFunc BrowserUrgencyFunc
> or something along those lines. Any ideas?

Yes, see:

DestroyFunc UrgencyFunc
AddToFunc   UrgencyFunc
+ I ThisWindow (SomeName, etc) DoSomethingWithSomeName
+ I ThisWindow (SomeOtherName, etc) DoSomethingWithSomeOtherName

And so on, and so forth.

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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