On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:03:01AM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
> I cannot find any displayable man page.
> But, I found some kind of source file named "FvwmEvent.1.in".
> There, I found:

Download the file -- the direct link to the raw file is here:


Then you have to actually run "man" over it:

man ./FvwmEvent.1.in

I am especially keen for you to do this, so I can ensure my troff skills are
still OK.  I know troff fairly well.  :)

> Are you sure that a WM_CLASS property causes both the res_class
> and the res_name event? I don't know so much about this WM_XXX stuff,
> but if I think logically, shouldn't it mean WM_NAME in the
> second event? If not, what is the difference between
> res_class and res_name? Why two events have to exist? Why
> not one? Or is one of them an alias of the other?

No, I mean WM_CLASS -- that holds two properties therein:

The resource name and the class name.  Go see the ICCCM2.

-- Thomas Adam

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