Thomas Glanzmann <> writes:

> Hello,
> I use evince as pdf viewer. They recently changed the Name and Icon Name
> to the name of the pdf. Now I'm unable to use my previous keybinding to
> bring evince to focus. Is there way to use Next and specify 'Class' which is
> Evince or 'Ressource' which is evince?
> Key     A       A       SC      SmartStart "evince"
> AddToFunc SmartStart
>         + I Next ($0) Iconify off
>         + I Next ($0) Raise
>         + I Next (AcceptsFocus, $0) focus
>         + I None ($0) Exec exec $1

These commands match on:

  The window name, icon name, class, and resource are considered when
  attempting to find a match.

As long as Evince has something unchanging in class or resource you
should be good to go.

If all of those thing change, it's a problem with Evince.

Dan Espen

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