> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 08:42:38PM -0500, Chris Siebenmann wrote:
> > 
> > > >  If I comment out all Mouse 0 and 1 bindings from my fvwmrc-2.5
> > > > file (from the URL) *except* either:
> > > > 
> > > >         Mouse   1       A               MS              Iconify
> > > > or
> > > >         Mouse   1       A               M               Raise
> Try
>   mouse 1 tsifw ...
> instead.  Limit the context a binding applies to to what is
> needed.  It's inefficient and interferes with other programs'
> bindings.  Or do you really iconify windows by clicking on the
> root window?

 I've now tested and the problem happens with just:

        Mouse 1         W       MS      Iconify

... which is about the minimal binding, since I really do want to
iconify windows with meta-shift-1 anywhere inside them.

> > > > then I see the extra LeaveNotify / EnterNotify / KeymapNotify sequence
> > > > in xev
> Forget about these; that's just how X works.

 Is it possible that some part of GTK+ doesn't like this sequence
of events and ignores ButtonPress/ButtonRelease as a result? It is
relatively striking to me how correlated things are here.

        - cks

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