Dear all,

is there an option to disable showing the windows' icons and also removing the 
place holder in FvwmIconManager?
I use on Arch Linux:

$ fvwm --version
fvwm 2.6.9 compiled on Nov  9 2019 at 22:29:19
with support for: ReadLine, Stroke, XPM, SVG, Shape, XShm, SM, Bidi text, 
Xinerama, XRender, XCursor, XFT, NLS

Currently, for iconified windows, a button in FvwmIconMan looks like this:

| +---+                  |
| |   | Mozilla Firefox  |
| +---+                  |

For a not iconified window, the small box (place holder for the window's icon) 
left of the title is not shown,
but the window title is still not aligned to the left.
I would like the buttons to look like this, no matter if the window is 
iconified or not:

|                  |
| Mozilla Firefox  |
|                  |

I configured FvwmIconMan as follows:

DestroyModuleConfig MyIconManager: *
Style MyIconManager !Title, !Borders, !Handles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, 
*MyIconManager: NumManagers 1
*MyIconManager: Action Mouse 0 A ret
*MyIconManager: Action Mouse 1 A sendcommand FuncIconManClick
*MyIconManager: Action Mouse 3 A sendcommand "Menu MenuTitlebar"
*MyIconManager: Background grey
*MyIconManager: ButtonGeometry 200x50
*MyIconManager: DrawIcons false
*MyIconManager: FocusAndSelectButton down red grey
*MyIconManager: FocusButton sunkedge red grey
*MyIconManager: Font "xft:Terminus:Bold:size=12:antialias=true"
*MyIconManager: Foreground black
*MyIconManager: Format "%t"
*MyIconManager: IconAndSelectButton down grey blue
*MyIconManager: IconButton flat blue grey
*MyIconManager: ManagerGeometry 1x1
*MyIconManager: PlainButton up
*MyIconManager: ReliefThickness 1
*MyIconManager: Resolution page
*MyIconManager: SelectButton down grey red
*MyIconManager: Sort id
*MyIconManager: Tips always
*MyIconManager: TipsDelays 500 250
*MyIconManager: TipsFont "xft:Terminus:Bold:size=16:antialias=true"
*MyIconManager: TipsPlacement up
*MyIconManager: TipsJustification center
*MyIconManager: TitleButton flat grey grey
*MyIconManager: UseWinList true

I would be glad if someone has a hint for me.

Best regards,

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