On Sat, 13 May 2023, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

In particular (independently of fvwm ?) I am used to do quick copy-and-paste of text selecting it with mouse button 1 (MB1) and pasting with mouse button 2 (MB2). Or shift-MB1 and shift-MB2 in my favourite editor (Hessling ... Editor), due to a peculiarity of the editor.

Now I've got a new HP Probook laptop which has a touchpad without buttons.

I wonder whether there is a solution (either fvwm-specific or X11-generic) to achieve a decent emulation of the paste function.

I have found a *partially* satisafactory solution. But it does no work in xterm.

I inserted near the end of my .fvwmrc

PointerKey Control_R WR A Exec exec /usr/bin/xdotool click 2

- this way if I press the right-control key while in the root menu, it
  invokes my FvwmIconMan WinLIst emulation.

- If I press the right-control key in the xclipboard, or in a uxrvt or in
  a browser, this pastes my last MB1 selection.

- If I press shift-right-control in my THE editor window it also pastes my
  last MB1 selection.

- **** But in an xterm nothing happens.

The fvwm manpage suggests to place in .Xdefaults

XTerm*allowSendEvents: true

This seems not to be honoured (as shown by ctl-MB1: allowsends is not set). However most of my xterms are started with class XTermNew. So I placed *allowSendEvents: true in ~/XTermNew (and also in ~/XTerm).

This way allowsends appear to be set, but the control-right key does nothing.

This has nothing to do with xdotool. If in ANOTHER terminal I do

sleep 5; xdotool click 2

and then qjuickly enough move the mouse to an xterm, the MB1 selection *is* pasted. But of course this is a bit clumsy.

So the problem is an incompatibility between xterm and fvwm syntethic events (or a syntax problem with PointerKey ?)

Is there a solution ?

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