On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 05:58:01AM +0100, Klaus Umbach wrote:
> Jipie!
> Almost everything ist transparent now!
> I'm totally proud about what I've done, so I have to show all of you my
> screenshot: http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ugk8/screenshot.png
> My X-Server hab needs more than 100MB in my RAM and it takes a really
> awful hell lot of time to start fvwm2 now. (I even think about using
> FvwmBanner for startup...) Well KDE3 starts a lot faster! :-)

* About memory: 

You use a 1512x864 root image. This implies that each colorset takes
~ 2Mb of memory. As you use 15 colorsets and you set your root background
with an Esetroot compatible program the memory usage of your config
is ~ 32Mb. A few suggestion:

  - Use a small (pretty) image to set your background.
  - When possible use the Transparent option and not the RootTransparent
    option (read carefully the FvwmTheme man page; Transparent + tint
    work only under certain special circonstance)
  - When possible do not use the "buffer" option (this is ok in general
    for a module that you rarely move & resize)
* About speed: 

Here one of your Colorset config definition:

Colorset 0 fg Black, NoShape, Plain, Transparent
Colorset 0 RootTransparent buffer
Colorset 0 tint white 40

Not first that "Plain" and "Transparent" are useless. I will write:

Colorset 0 fg Black, NoShape, RootTransparent buffer, tint white 40

This take some times because tinting a big image takes some
times (it is XRender which performs the tinting if you use a
recent XFree; with XFree-4.3 I hope that tinting will be mmxed).
With your config this is done 15 times.

Now, you do not specify a bg colour. This leads fvwm to compute
the average colour of your big root image. This is slow (more
slow than tinting). Again this is done 15 times. I think that
you can really speedup your startup time by specifying a bg
colour in all the definition of your colorsets:

Colorset 0 fg Black, bg grey, NoShape, RootTransparent buffer, tint white 40

If you really want an average bg (as this gives good sh/hi colours for
the 3d reliefs; but I do not think you want that, as almost every
things is flat on your screenshot), you can compute only one time the
average colour:

Colorset 0 fg Black, bg average, NoShape, RootTransparent buffer, tint white 40

Colorset 1 fg DarkGrey, bg $[bg.cs0], RootTransparent buffer, tint black 40
Colorset 2 fg Black, bg $[bg.cs0], RootTransparent buffer, tint white 40

This is not perfect: if colorset 0 change, then the bg colour of the
colorset 1, 2, ...etc will be not updated. What we may do is to
cache the average colours.

I've noted that a few of your colorsets are identical (e.g., cs 0 and
2). Of course reducing the nbr of tinted RootTransparent cset will
speed up your startup and will reduce memory usage. What we should do
is to cache tinted images as we cache images.

> But all this is it worth to have this Design!
> It's of course not perfect, I still don't get the focused page in my
> pager transparent and the focused menu entry. Anybody can help my?

Active menus entries do not use the Colorset image they just use the
bg Colorset (maybe one day the image will be used).  But you can use
the HilightBackOff menu style option.

For the pager the "focused" desk label does not use the colorset image
(just the colorset bg). But the focused page can be transparent.
Regards, Olivier
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