On 17 Sep 2005 22:45:28 -0400, Thomas A. Horsley wrote:
> >Right. I exit fvwm, then restart it in an xterm. It really does read
> >my rc file because some of the stuff happens (just not all of it).
> Ah-HA! More interesting info: The very first mouse click works fine
> (whichever feature I try acts normally on the first mouse click, all
> my definitions seem to be there), but following the first click (even
> if I exit and restart fvwm), all I see is a the default menu on
> button 1, my customizations are all gone.
> I have to completely exit the NX session and start a new one, then
> the first mouse click in that one works.

All your bindings use "N" modifier, so they will stop working once you
press "NumLock" or similar. Use "A" instead, and see FAQ #0.1 for more.

You may add "Echo message 1" debug commands (even in the middle of menu)
to verify the commands you think are executed are actually executed.


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