Yup.  Found it.  Thanks.

Dan Espen wrote:
Tim Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I guess this is an FVWM question only indirectly.  I've been a long time user
of SuSE, which is (happily) still bundling FVWM in the distro. I'm trying to ge t away from TkDesk, which is getting dated and is no longer maintained. I was looking at Nautilus, but running it loads most if not all of GNOME, obliterat es xphoon behind its own background, and plops a bunch of useless icons all over . Does anyone know how to stop this?

Failing that, what are some good file managers, excluding gmc and gentoo, whi
ch I don't like, and mc, which is text based?

Under preferences, I found a setting "use desktop", or something
like that...

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing; a confusion of the real with
the ideal never goes unpunished."
                -- Goethe

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