On 1/29/06, Thomas Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 09:38:10PM +0000, seventh guardian wrote:

>> It's not just a matter of taste, I posted a message about a problem
>> with fvwm+xcompmgr twice, and I only got an answer the second time.

> Whether a question gets answered or not is usually because of time,
> not because someone has accidentally deleted the original email.

Now I see why you got so upset, no wonder. I must clarify this: I
posted the second message months later, after trying to solve it
myself, and after upgrading xorg several times. It was not the day
after. It isn't a question of being answered imediatelly, I know we
are all volunteers, we reply as we get time to.

I hope I clarified things up.

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