In gmane.comp.window-managers.fvwm, you wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, David Berg wrote:
>> my debian system I loose all my bindings (mouse, keyboard, buttons) after
>> a period of time.  I haven't been able to tie the bindings dissapearing
> See FAQ entry #0.1:
> you are probably using numlock on your stationary computer, wheras it's 
> not convinient to do so with a laptop keayboard. You would probably then 
> do with "IgnoreModifiers 2" in your config.

That did it.  Now I feel like an old heal not having read the first
question in the faq.  But upon reading the faq, particularly your Trivia
comment, I don't feel so bad.  Here's my attempt at solving the problem:

I thought at first to have the binary ignore the locks by default
requiring a command to turn them off but since it apparently creates added
load that sounds like its not an option.  Perhaps they could be ignored
in some other manner.  Duplicating (I suppose this could be trippling,
quadrupling etc) bindings for a binding with NumLock on and off etc.

I don't know enough about how it works (It suprised me to read that the
Ignore modifiers command added network traffic) to give a good answer
but it has to be do able.  The problem isn't there with enlightnement.

Thanks for helping me out.


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