
I have been a quiet FVWM2 user for about 10 years, solving my own
problems, and modifying my fvwm2rc file as needed.

I just switched to a new machine (64 bits) and everything is wrong,
and I cannot solve my problems any longer.
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz
Mandriva Linux release 2007.0 (Official) for x86_64

Starting with simple things :

I used to drag windows by pressing mouse-left on the title-bar,
dragging and releasing in the right place.

On my new machine, the release was uneffective, and I had to fully
click twice to drop the window.  I read the manual hard, and managed
to have to click only once as follow :

Mouse 1         TS      A       Function "Move-or-Raise"

AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "H" Move
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower

but I would like to drop the window whenever I just release the mouse
button, without having to click.

There seem to be a distinction between interactive and drag move ...
but I failed to see how they are distinguished.


One  major problem :

I cannot get Firefox or Seamonkey to open a window (though they get
started, and do ask me for initialisation parameters to access a
protected proxy).  Both work fine with KDE ...
  What could be the problem  ?

Konqueror does get started ... but sometimes block, though I do not
know whether that is related to FVWM2.


I do try to work with the man pages ... but it is a large document,
without a table of content or page numbering.  And the information is
not even in alphabetical order, but organized in themes that are not
obvious to me.   Very painful to use.

I would love to stay with FVWM ...  but there is a limit to the price
I can pay (I mean the time I can spend).

Help welcome.



Would anyone know whether it is possible to iconify tasks on the Root
window as in FVWM within KDE (rather than use the task-bar).

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