Hi Phil,

> I'm trying to define some mouse bindings for application windows. The
> command I choose always works, but sometimes the click is also passed
> to the application and sometimes it isn't.

Yes, it can depend on many factors.

> It seems that I can prevent FVWM from passing a click to
> an application by ending every command with Nop

It's actually the use of a _function_ that is changing the behaviour.

Whenever FVWM executes a function it grabs the X server.

If you just do something like:

Mouse 3 W A Echo testing

there's no grab involved, because no function is executed.

Compare that with something like:

AddToFunc Pager
+ I Module FvwmPager -transient
+ I Wait FvwmPager

where FVWM will grab the X server & won't release it until the
FvwmPager pops up. So your underlying app shouldn't see ButtonPress
or ButtonRelease events.

> is there a way
> to force FVWM to perform the action bound to the click as well as
> pass the click to the application?

Tricky. (Most people want the opposite. ie. the underlying app to do
nothing when popping up the WindowList.)

You could try using 'FakeClick' in your Pager function. ie.

+ I FakeClick depth 0 press 3

See: http://www.fvwm.org/doc/unstable/commands/FakeClick.html

Scott. :)

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