maybe you can add that command into config file's start function in ".config",
such as "Exec exec srdb .Xdefaults"

2007/6/4, Billy N. Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've just started using fvwm2
fvwm2 -version
FVWM version 2.4.17 compiled on Dec 10 2003 at 14:03:49
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, GNOME WM hints, Shape, SM, Xinerama

I had been using the default KDE, but it is such a waste or resources.
I use xterms, firefox and thunderbird and that's 99% of my usage of a gui.

I've done the tutorial,  and I'll probably do it again.

I'm going to take this in baby steps.

First question.
How do I get fvwm to read my .Xdefaults?
I have my xterms set up just how I want them, for @ 15 years now.
When I login to fvwm it doesn't read my .Xdefaults.
I have to pop an xterm
xrdb .Xdefaults
kill that xterm
then everything is OK

可冰 - KeBing

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