"Stan Dickerson"<s...@energycontrolsystems.com>  writes:

I created a ".fvwm2rc" file using fvwm-themes-config --expand-rc.
Using "fvwm -f .fvmw2rc" on two PCs, one looks OK but the other is
missing the window decorations and the FVWM image on the
taskbar. "/usr/local/share/fvwm" is the same.  I don't think
FVWM_USERDIR or FT_DATADIR is set on either.  What am I missing?
Sorry, no idea about fvwm-themes.

Any program started by FVWM or it's children will have

Not sure what FT_DATADIR is, ah, looks like it's something in
FVWM Themes.

When Fvwm is built, it creates it's own built in IMAGE PATH.

fvwm-config --default-imagepath

to see that path.

Look in your .fvwm2rc to see if imagepath is modified in any way.

Then look in your .xsession_errors to see if Fvwm is printing
any errors looking for images.

-- Dan Espen

fvwm-config --default-imagepath returns: /usr/include/X11/bitmaps:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps

I noticed that one has XPM image support and the one with the missing images does not.

I couldn't find xsession_errors with "-D" so I added "Module FvwmDebug" to ".fvwm2rc."

I got numerous xpm errors including:

[fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-iconify.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-maximize.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-shade.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-stick.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-raise.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-lower.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-delete.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-close.xpm [fvwm][scanForPixmap]: <<WARNING>> Couldn't load image from menu/window-destroy.xpm

Does that mean I need to install libXpm?


*Stan Dickerson

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