pkc_mls a écrit :

I'd like to use a route based vpn between a vpn1 edge and a splat cluster.

hi and happy new year all.

for those who are still interested with this config, its quite working, except for a weird issue : when the site to site vpn that uses the vti on the vpn1edge is active, the igmp packets from the vpn1 edge are dropped,
even if there is a rule in the policy to allow those.

the smartview tracker says : ip spoofed.

the interfaces are set as external or antispoofing not defined on the smartdashboard.

and as soon as I disable the route based vpn, the IGMP packets are sent properly, so the ospf works fine again and the routes are properly learned.

has anyone ever opened a ticket by checkpoint about vpn1 edge issues ?

I sent a mail to sofaware support, they answered with a link to a doc, and a quick message :
" for other debug, ask checkpoint ...".


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