Verhille Nicolas a écrit :
What is the email to subscribe to it ?

and Phoneboy posted this recently : There was some concern, and even questions in my own mind, about
whether or not I should shut down this mailing list. With the word out
now that Check Point is closing their mailing list down and going
web-based, it's clear that we need to keep this mailing list going.

I suspect that as a result of that list closing, we are going to get
an influx of new subscribers to this list, making our lives just a bit
busier. While we certainly will welcome the newcomers with open arms,
rest assured we are not going to be changing our policies in any way.
The list has always been, and will remain, moderated according to the
guidelines listed on

The only thing that is being planned for the near future is to move
the mailing list over to a new server with new mailing list software.
It's one of those "projects" I haven't gotten around to doing yet,
though rest assured, it will happen sooner or later. Maybe after this
Daylight Saving Time thing dies down a bit more...

-- PhoneBoy


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