I'm not PDF expert, but by my understanding, there's not formal text block construct in the PDF spec. Zend_Pdf would have provide that feature, and do the calculations to translate it to the appropriate PDF code. This is what the other PDF classes I've used do (namely R&OS and FPDF).

Bryce Lohr

Rick Gigger wrote:
Is there an actual feature in the pdf spec for handling text blocks or will the zend library handle measuring and wrapping the text and then simply drawing each line in it's respective location on the page?  

On Nov 2, 2007, at 6:42 AM, Bryce Lohr wrote:

Hi Alexander,

I'd like to second Karol's request for text block formatting. IMHO, I think text blocks (with automatic line/page breaks and alignment) should be moved up the priority list. This is the missing feature preventing me from using Zend_Pdf right now.

Bryce Lohr

Karol Grecki wrote:
Hi Alexander,

I used Zend_Pdf extensively in one of my projects and these are features I
missed the most:
-text blocks
-links (pdf reader will recognize full urls, but I couldn't find a way to
output link with arbitrary name)


Alexander Veremyev wrote:
Hi all,

I've tried to collect Zend_Pdf functionality requests and bring them into
one list. It's placed in FW wiki now

I ordered it by a priority I think items should have.

May be something is missing in this list? Or priority should be changed?
Thoughts, comments, suggestions are welcome!


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