Like the database configurations I have multiple Solr configurations so I'm
trying to create a factory that can return the connection to the one

return array(
    "solr" => array(
        'media' => array( /** config */ ),
        'vendors' => array( /** config */ ),

Right now, in my module, I have the Following configuration for the
getServiceConfig method

return array(
    'factories' => array(
        'Solr\Service' => 'Solr\Service\Factory',
        'Solr\Client' => 'Solr\Client\Factory',
    'initializers' => array(
        'SolrConfig' => 'Solr\Config\ConfigInitializer',

Here is how things are working.

The factories work and are getting called and the initializer is being
called, but the initializer isn't being called on the factories.

So first, why? Is this by design? Am I misunderstanding how this
relationship works?

How can I get the same kind of multiple configurations to work I tried
digging through the DB ones but I don't think I've found the class that yet
reads the config to pass off to a specific adapter.

Any help is appreciated.



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