Either set the "shared" flag to `false`, or pass a factory down to your

$myService = new MyService(function () use ($sm) { return
$sm->createService('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager'); });

This saves you from having the SM bound to your service, and allows you to
use the callback as a "smart constructor"

Marco Pivetta



On 21 January 2014 17:25, Bas Kamer <baska...@me.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> reading
> http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/transactions-and-concurrency.html#exception-handling
> Ok Fine... With a closed entity manager I should get a new entity manager
> if i want to work continue doing queries...
> What would be a good strategy to do that with the context of zf2 when the
> EM is injected via factories.
> About the only thing I can think of is setting the shared flag of the
> entity manager to false… This doen’t seem efficient as that would
> (re)create connections not for the exception case but always.
> Intend use is long running background processes - in which a closed entity
> manager really helpful
> Bas

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