
I often have one or even more copies of the ZF2 manual (http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.3) open i chrome.

Now I noticed that chrome is leaking _lots_ of memory with this page.
When I opened the page, it used around 70.000 kb according to Chromes job-list (hold Shift+escape when in Chrome). This morning, after the computer has been sleeping all night, it uses 500.000 kb.

Yesterday, when I became avere of this problem, one of the tabs with the manual in it, used 3,7 gb of ram. This is a major problem, even though my pc has plenty of ram.

I tried to find out what caused it, but no luck. I suspect that it is the Disqus-integration that is to blame, but I'm not sure.

Mads Lie Jensen

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