MoldNet Root wrote:
> hello,
> sorry if this is an off-topic, but i'd
> like to know which is the best regex to much
> an URL...
> best regards,
> mitica

Here's more then what you want, and the authors name is still here.
Golf any one?

  $urls = '(' . join( '|', qw(    http gopher wais file ftp https
                ) ) . ')';
        $ltrs = '\w';
        $gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-';
        $punc = '.;?/-';
        $any = "${ltrs}${gunk}${punc}";

                s{              # make links work -- Tom Christiansen
                   \b           # start at a word boundry
                   (            # begin $1
                     ${urls} :  #  need resourde and a colon
                     [$any] +?  #  followed by one or more of any
                                #  valid char, but be conservative
                                #  and take only whay you need to...
                    )           # end $1
                    (?=         #  a look-ahead, non-consumptive asseration
                       [$punc]* # Either 1 or more punctuation
                       [^$any]  #  Followed by a anon-url char
                      | \Z      # or else the end of the line.
                 } {<A HREF="$1">$1</A>}igox;

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