I am somewhat beating my head against a brick wall here - so I think "Hey!
This sounds like a Fun With Perl project :)"

Here is the challenge -

You are presented with a MySQL Schema dump that is less than 9 million rows;
you should read the data row by row, finding each CREATE TABLE statement,
and displaying the next ~50 lines INCLUDING this line - do this recursively
until end of file is reached.

My brute force efforts, while slow, are generally working - I am wondering -
could this become MORE FUN ?

My brute force method -

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict; 
use diagnostics; 


my $ctr; 
my $flag;

open (RFILE, "<Daily_bb551_20021410000103286.dump") or
    die "\n\nCan't open Schema.Raw for reading: $!\n\n";
open (NFILE, ">Schema.Cooked") or
    die "\n\nCan't open Schema.Cooked for writing: $!\n\n";
while (<RFILE>) { 

  $ctr++;    # Count lines read...
  s/\n/ /;   # newline to space...
  s/^\s+//;  # compress leading whitespace...
  s/\s+$//;  # compress trailing whitespace...
  next unless length; # anything to process?

  if (/^CREATE\sTABLE\s\(/) {
     print NFILE "\n\n$_\n";

  # End of segment
  if (/^\#\sDumpings\datas\for\stable\s\'/) {

  # Get data, while $flag
  if ($flag) {
     print NFILE " $_\n ";

  # Everything else is skipped
  # during natural looping...

} # end while loop 

close (RFILE) or die "\n\nCan't close Schema.Raw: $!\n\n";
close (NFILE) or die "\n\nCan't close Schema.Cooked: $!\n\n";
print "\nProcessed $ctr lines...\n\n";


Example of the snapshot -

# Table structure for table 'addressbook'
CREATE TABLE addressbook (
  .  Get everything here ...
  PRIMARY KEY (pk1,sos_id_pk2),
  KEY addrbk_users_fk_i (users_pk1,users_sos_id_pk2)

# Dumping data for table 'addressbook'

The line above denotes end of this segment;
skip all data until next segment area...

Any helpful mumblings would be appreciated :)

-Bill-  :]
  ('>    iudicium ferat
  //\   Have Computer -
  v_/_    Will Hack...

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