On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 01:18:07PM -0400, Steven Lembark wrote:
> Take a look at Damian Conway's text formatter (Format::Simple
> or something like that). It will format and re-order roman
> numeral lists and has all the regexes for it hard-coded.

Excellent suggestion. Damian would appear to be the king of dynamically
generated code and regexes. As I pointed out to someone else on this list
(but forgot to cc: fwp), the ability to properly parse Roman Numbers is
so context-sensitive that each regex would be different. However, it is
certainly within the realm of possibility to dynamically generate a
regular expression to avoid catching what your scan has determined to be
actual English words (eg. since 'mix' is a verb, design the regular expression
to avoid catching 'mix' in this sentence position.)


Brian Richardson
Cubik Software Design - "Of course it runs NetBSD!"
brian at cubik dot ca | http://www.cubik.ca/

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