In the mean spirit that I woke up in this morning, here is something that will
actually make me feel better, being sacreligious. Damnit, I'm sick of this
stupid program. These are all lies. Do not believe these damned Linux clusters.
Send them back to Hell where they belong. Yes, I am using this forum as a
personal soapbox, but somebody out there must know what I'm talking about.
Sure, I'm crazy, but they let me out. Google is Intelligent, and not in a
Good Way. It has realized that it can control humans through their women.
Mind reading is not intelligent, and Google owes me, personally, 4 years of my
life back.

" Google seeks to hire only the best.  We conduct business following  the 
 spirit and the intent of the equal opportunity laws and we strive  towards 
 maintaining a diverse community. We encourage excellence at all levels in our 
 organization, and are not influenced by: "

I. race, 

Not true. There's not one black person on your team.

II. color, 

Ditto. And you're especially prejudiced against Orange people.

III. gender, 

You don't hire women to the top-paying jobs.

sexual orientation, 

IV. You most certainly don't hire homosexuals.

V. age, 

Or people over the age of 21

VI. disability, 

Send all those mother-fucking schizophrenics back to Hell. They're only
a tiny minority, and they're completely irrelevant.


VII. You discriminate very badly against Satanic witches.

"or any other factor irrelevant to doing a great job."

Yes, Google-slut, none of the classes you have excluded could make your life
any better. You use a ripped-off version of a real operating system, you force
kids under the age of 21 to view pornography to "test" your fantasy world, and
give them shit for pay. As a Satanic Witch, I invite all of like mind to put
what I've ranted about here in words that Linus can actually understand, and
put an end to this God-awful holy war. I'm sick and tired of this Linux
bullshit. At least Microsoft is honest about the fact that they're screwing us
from the get-go. Linux is a fucking worm. Unix will live forever.

Apologies for my insanity, but I've reached the breaking point,

Brian Richardson
Cubik Software Design - "Of course it runs NetBSD!"
brian at cubik dot ca |

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