On 20 Nov 2002 at 13:43, Moran, Matthew wrote:

> Abigail wondered:
> > Why is that bad style? Many times when people say it's bad style,
> > it's just a case of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". 
> > 
> Strikes me that instead of using one move to assign the variables, it's
> using three. 

Just so.  If the *intent* of the code is to remove the first three elements 
from @_ and assign them to variables[*] isn't the clearest way to express the 
intent just to do:

   my ($a, $b, $c) = splice (@_,0,3)

It seems to express the *exact* semantics desired [remove the elements from @_ 
and assign those to the vbls), and to my eye does it more clearly than (shift, 
shift, shift) does.

    [*]  NB: this has *different* semantics than doing my ($v1, $v2,
    $v3) = @_ -- I'm assuming here that the modification to @_ is
    actually necessary [if not, then it is not bad form on syntatic
    grounds, but because it is doing something unnecessary and
    potentially confusing]. 


Bernie Cosell                     Fantasy Farm Fibers
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Pearisburg, VA
    -->  Too many people, too few sheep  <--          

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