>>>>> "GY" == Gaal Yahas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  GY> I like hash slices:
  GY>     ($one, $two, $three) = @hash{ qw/aaa bbb ccc/ };

  GY> Sadly, this doesn't work as an lvalue:

  GY>     @hash{ qw/aaa bbb ccc/ } = ($one, $two, $three);        # WRONG

works fine for me.

perl -le '@h{ qw/aaa bbb/ }= (3, 5);print join ",", values %h'

where did you get the notion that hash slices won't work as an lvalue?
any list (of lvalues) can be an lvalue and a slice is just syntactic
sugar for the same list expanded out.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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