On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 08:02 +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:
> Here's an attempt at a definitive reference list for Perl's
> secret operators. I blame cog and BooK.

Wow, thanks for that list. -- On a related note: I distinctly remember
someone on this list compiling "the perlgolf" book which was a big pdf
containing all the perlgolfs and solutions and discussions about these.

But my google-fu seems waek, or somehow this book vanished from the net.
Does anyone here still have a copy?

You have misunderstood how PERL works. That is quite normal.  Every
day, entire populations are cursing the language, staring at an
apparently trivial program, and wondering why the damned thing will
not do what it is supposed to do.                         -- Wietse 

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