Hi all,

Saw this on the NewtonTalk list, and thought it would be useful info for 
any G-Books listers who have to use Wintel machines and software at work, 
but have Macs at home.

Jim Rohde

-------------- message text follows ----------
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 16:21:07 -0400
Subject: [NTLK] [OT] iChat "integration" with Outlook

Discovered a feature in Outlook XP today that prevented me from having 
to write my own AppleScript. My issue was that I wanted to have my 
Outlook (work) calendar synched up with iCal, which has multiple 
calendars, Work being one of them.

Turns out you can pick a calendar event in Outlook XP and select as an 
action "Forward as iCalendar". I chose that and used my personal e-mail 
address, which my PowerBook checks/manages. When the e-mail arrived I 
clicked on the attachment, and it comes up and asks which calendar in 
iCal to add it to. I chose my Work calendar, and voila! There it is in 
iCal, with all the info and such intact.

Thought some of you synchers would want to know, especially those who 
like me are Windows by day, Mac for life.

- Dave

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