On 11/13/03 6:59 AM, Kelly Johnson enlightened us by writing:

>I think you guys are missing the boat on MS's intentions.  I think it 
>is a simple matter of them knowing that a significant number of mac 
>users, given sufficient experience with windows, will become 
>comfortable enough with it to ditch apple.  They've lowered the price 
>already, which to me shows they want to lure more mac people into using 
>windows.  That's all there is to it, I think.
But again, that's one person's thoughts on what Microsoft might/might not 
be intending... Unless anyone here wants to claim to be a "corporate 
mind-reader", we don't really know. 
To paraphrase a very old radio show's phrase:
"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Microsoft?"

>The reason I say this is that I am a fairly typical user, and this is 
>what happened to me.  I used windows in VPC, got comfortable with it, 
>became irritated with apple for a few reasons, sold my mac, bought a 
>pc, bought another pc.  For the difference in money, I can live with a 
>pc now.  I bought a pb12" because there truly was nothing else pc or 
>otherwise that could compete (sony vaio probably the closest), but I 
>wouldn't buy anything apple again, if it doesn't provide comparable 
>value in its hardware (osX isn't enough nicer than XP to warrant the 
>price differences for me).  All because of VPC.  kj.
But again, this is one person's conjecture as to how many other users 
are/aren't likely to feel/think/act as you do. Back to guesses, which is 
all any of us can do on the topic of motivations for buying/not buying 
Apple or other companies' products.

But thanks for your thoughts. As for me, I do get frustrated with Apple 
at times, but don't see any significant draws to switch to Windows of any 
kind (and I've used most versions since Win95).

Jim Rohde

"Never ask what sort of computer a guy drives.
     If he's a Mac user, he'll tell you. If not,
     why embarrass him?" - Tom Clancy, author and Macintosh user

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