On 11/19/03 8:43 AM, Krevnik enlightened us by writing:
>On Nov 18, 2003, at 4:36 PM, Clyde Kahrl wrote:
>> Brent writes:
>> Does anyone else have a suggestion for a reasonably priced
>> source of black powerbook feet?
>> A:    Glue gun.
>Problem is that not all of us have managed to KEEP the feet that have 
>fallen out. I lost a couple on our local bus system, which means they 
>are gone for good. He is looking for ways to replace feet lost in this 
>manner, much as I am, so I would appreciate an answer for his question.

Unless Clyde meant you use the glue gun to put a big round glob in place 
for each foot indentation... Hey, it might work!  ;-)

Jim Rohde

Life would be so much easier if I had the source code...

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