On Saturday, May 1, 2004, at 07:25 AM, Dr. John Pullyblank wrote:

Bruce Johnson made a convincing argument for the risks of using FileVault. We use FileVault at our practice to protect the confidentiality of our clients, or at least that is our intention. Our experience has been flawless, but I acknowledge the risks mentioned by Bruce.

So 2 questions. First, does anybody know of any history of problems with this application. I find it difficult to find information on it, probably because most users don't use it.

Second, in the old days with OS9 I used applications like Disklock. Is anybody aware of third party security applications for OSX.

There is GPG, which is free, open source, and includes a file-encryption component. <http://www.gnupg.org/> there are graphical OSX interfaces to it.

PGP offers a wide range of products, depending on the scale of your enterprise: <www.pgp.com> Their Personal Desktop offers a 'disk encryption' system, I don't know the details of how it works. That's $50, PGP has a well deserved reputation for security.

PuzzlePalace is a file-level encryption tool for OSX, $15 shareware, uses the built-in SSH encryption libraries. It operates as a service for Cocoa Apps according to the docs, so it's reasonably well integrated. <http://personalpages.tds.net/~brian_hill/puzzlepalace.html>

You can do something like FileVault, but manually (without the serious risk of losing everything) by using Disk Utility (under 10.3) or Disk Copy (under 10.2 and lower), to create an encrypted disk image, one for each project or client, if you would like. Then double-click on a disk image, enter the password work on stuff, and go.

And I found this fascinating page while Googling this topic. I do believe I found the genesis of FileVault at Apple: <http://josh.tumaz.com/info/encdisk.php>

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Bruce Johnson

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