On Thursday, July 22, 2004, Illivox wrote:

Now, moving onto something on-target: I have a buddy with a G3 upgraded
1400. Wants to run an old StyleWriter II printer. Neither of us can find
the "durn" driver. Heard a rumor that that the Color StyleWriter 1500
driver would run it, but no joy there--doesn't work. Any hints as to where

Have you looked for a driver for StyleWriter 1200/1500 ('non-Color')? I don't have my OS 9 systems (I'm guessing your friend is running Mac OS 9.something, but if not, please let us know), but I recall that the newer driver which worked with my StyleWriter II (when I was still using it) was for the StyleWriter 1200/1500, I think.

Try these links for more info:



The first seem to refer you back to re-installing the original StyleWriter software that came with the printer. If your friend doesn't have it, let me know. I think I have the original diskettes and will make Stuffed files to send. (Write off-list).

The second mentions installing the SW 1500 drivers that came with the printer (those I don't have - may need to check Apple's pages for the SW1500 software).


Jim Rohde

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