And I don't recommend the softbound Garcia Martinez, because the stiff binding doesn't allow flat down opening of the book unless you're in the middle. However, a while back it was greatly reduced, I think
----- Original Message ----- From: "SÃren Holst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: [Megillot] What's DSSR? [was DSS for sale]

It IS indeed a lot of money (but actually less than the hardback MartÃnez/Tigchelaar, I think), but as I mentioned, they're working on a one- or two-volume version, so let's hope that those of us who talk a library into getting the six-volume one are helping finance a cheaper variety for you :-)

kol tuv

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] pà vegne af Dave Washburn
Sendt: to 17-03-2005 17:14
Emne: Re: [Megillot] What's DSSR? [was DSS for sale]

It sounds as though someone started work on the index but never finished it??
and somehow it went to press anyway. At least I would hope that was the
case. If someone actually conceived and planned this index to be that way,
that person needs to go stand in a corner for an hour!

Even so, the edition does sound useful. The biggest obstacle for me is the
price, a typical problem I have with books from Brill. Since I don't have an
institution to back me, book funds come out of my own meager resources. So
it will likely be a LONG time before I can get my hands on these......

Dave Washburn

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