Biblical Taliban (I hope you know Pashto) are indeed in the need of such a 
kinder-chocolade not to get conditioned by the consensual Opium fields in the 
yard of the Madrasah.
And, as is known, it protects against the dreaded DSS diarrhoea, result of a 
contamination of the texts with loc. 51, better known as area fifty-one.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joe Zias 
  Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 4:04 PM
  Subject: [Megillot] Chocolate the the DSS

  Jim West brought my attention on todays blog to the upcoming exhibition on 
the DSS under the title "Pimping the DSS Scrolls through chocolate (see blurb 
below) Whereas Southern Californians are not known for their good taste (sic) 
this latest marketing ploy may amaze a few however I've long maintained that 
the DSS are the poor mans ATM, need a few bucks, a grant, 'fame' and fortune, 
become a overnight DSS scholar. I'm serious. No matter what you write, you will 
find a publisher, a producer, can't find an expert, well there's always 
  What I find hilarious is that the chocolate is supposed to mimic flavors of 
the region, seems no one minding the store is aware that that chocolate is a 
New World product and those flavors from the IL sabra cactus, well folks,  the 
plant was imported from Mexico by the Palestinians in the 19th century for 
fencing. This reminds me of the Essene Bread, which is sold in the US, from a 
recipe evidently contained in the writings of the community, no one ever told 
them it appears that 'man does not live by bread alone' as we recently found 
evidence of beef tape worm in the latrines from Locus 51. 
  Joe Zias

  Chuao Chocolatier
  has partnered with San Diego Natural History Museum to create an exclusive 
chocolate assortment inspired by the Museum's highly anticipated exhibition, 
Dead Sea Scrolls.  The assortment is called "Flavors of the Region," the region 
being the Middle East where the scrolls were discovered.  Each box contains 
nine bonbons in three unique flavor.

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