Bob Cargill announced the other day the test phase of the Virtual Qumran project:

I've given it a 'test drive' and have a number of observations concerning it- a sort of 'proto-Review' of the project in its beta phase.

1- The modeling is extraordinary. By that I mean that the details found as one 'walks around' the site or 'flies over' are as high quality as one would find in one of those top notch video games that folk like so much. In short, it's a very realistic model (and when you can see individual stones in walls and pebbles on the ground you know rather a lot of work has gone into it).

2- It's easy to navigate and a pleasure as well.

3- The program runs quite seamlessly.

4- In my estimation, the reconstruction of the site, in its various 'phases' is right on target. From the fortress to the sectarian site, the evolution is visually convincing.

When Robert announces that the program is through testing and available for download- do yourself and your students the favor of downloading and using it. The price is right, after all, since it's free.


Jim West, ThD -- Blog - Biblical Studies Resources

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